This Week at the Statehouse – Week 16
Like the previous week, the legislature continues working through some remaining policy bills and appropriations bills. There was no action on any of the appropriation bills affecting the Regents this week.
The Senate did confirm all three Board of Regents that needed Senate confirmation: Mike Richards, Greta Rouse and Abby Crow.
HF 744 University Free Speech – The bill passed the House with the House accepting most of the Senate changes. The House did not accept the provision that codified the creation of the Regents Free Speech Committee. The bill goes back to the Senate for consideration with amendment S3173.
HF 802 Racism and Sexism Training - The bill passed the Senate this week with an amendment that slightly narrowed the focus of the bill but provisions related to the Regents did not materially change. The bill now goes to the House for consideration with amendment H1428.
HF 889 COVID Vaccine Passport - The bill would prohibit the state or any political subdivision from including on an identification card issued information regarding COVID-19 vaccinations status of the individual. The bill would also prohibit a business or governmental entity (including Regents institutions) from requiring a customer, patron, client, patient, or other person who is invited onto the premises to furnish proof of having received a vaccination for COVID-19 prior to entering a premises of a business or governmental entity. The bill would not prohibit a business or governmental entity from implementing a COVID-19 screening protocol that does not require proof of vaccination for COVID-19. The bill would take effect upon enactment. The bill was approved by the House this week and now awaits debate in the Senate.
Today was the last day the legislators got paid their per diems so we’re nearing the end of the 2021 legislative session. They will be back next week to work on the state’s budget, any tax policy and any remaining policy bills.
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